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Monday, September 12, 2016

If you, men, give your wives these 5 things, Bible promises you to be happy in marriage

5 things Bible teaches husbands to give to their wives

Secular psychologies and coaches give plenty of advice on marriage, but God is the Author of this institution. He is the One, who knows exactly how husbands should treat their wives. Here what He says about it in the Bible.

5 things husbands should give to their wives:

That’s not the human opinion, but the higher decree from the Lord and we find them in the Scriptures.

1. Esteem

Wait, we thought wives should respect their husbands! Yes, they should, but it has to be mutual. Here is what the Word of God says: “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect…” 1 Peter 3:7” God created men and women in His own likeness and image.

This means He is in us and His image is worthy to be honored and respected! It also means that husbands, who put down or even beat their wives, show huge disrespect for their Creator.

2. Tenderness

“Do not be harsh with your wife.” Colossians 3:19 It means men should not use harsh words or bad language, when they talk to their wives. They should not be overloading those with work and be attentive to their needs. God is her father. You are married to the daughter of the King of Kings.

Do you think He would be pleased, if you abuse or hurt her? Surely, men have the power to treat women as they wish, but they are to answer before God for it.

3. Honor

“Honor your marriage; keep it pure by remaining true to your wife in every way.” Hebrews 13:4 Do not only expect to be honored by your wife, but give it back to her. Remember, you reap what you sow!

4. Loyalty

“Do not be captivated by other women” Proverbs 5:20 God created one woman for one man. That’s His plan. If you wish to please the Lord, stick with it. That does not involve only physical intimacy. You should stay focused on your wife, catering to her emotional, financial and other needs. Do not waste yourself on other ladies.

5. Admiration

“Call your wife ‘blessed’ and praise her.” Proverbs 31: 28-29 Praise and good words build up a happy marriage. Praise her for what she does for you, do not take it for granted.

God knows what is good for you. If you follow His tips for marriage, it is bound to be happy and successful!

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