men are really finding it difficult to get their p*nis into action and
most when they do cannot sustain it. Here is the trick you have been
waiting for.
According to Dailystar,
this is the best way to boost your erection without having to use any
drugs. Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the
inability to get and maintain an erection.
In the UK it is estimated that around half of men between the ages
of 40 and 70 suffer from ED at some point in their lives. From eating
certain foods to trailing penis pumps, men have tried and tested a whole
host of things in the pursuit of a bigger, better erection.
But there could finally be a solution to the problem after a new
erection-boosting gel received positive results in a drug trial. British
pharmaceutical company Futura Medical saw positive results in 82% of
the 232 men who tested the product.
The Guildford based company hope to launch Eroxon into the market as soon as possible.
Currently the most trusted ED product is Viagra, but it can take up
to 30 minutes too work, which can really kill the mood. Whereas the
innovative gel will have you ready for action in just 10 minutes, the
drug company claims.
Chief executive James Barder said: "We certainly think it’s a breakthrough product.
"The key issues with the other products are speed of onset, all
the other products require pre-planning and offer no spontaneity.
"Eroxon, however, can form part of sexual foreplay, which is very important for men.
"We also have a very safe product, with no serious adverse events or effects occurring during the study.
"We believe this could become a first-line therapy for
physicians, as topical treatments will often be the preferred first
choice product for doctors."
Erectile dysfunction problems are so common globally that the market is now worth £3.7billion a year.
According to a surver, about ED the pool shows that out of 5732 men, a whopping 29% struggled to “get it up” every time.
A further 32% said they suffered from erectile dysfunction from time to time, but put it down to "stage fright".
And just 39% claimed they had never suffered from the condition.
So how can you improve your erection and last longer in bed while you wait for the new miracle gel?
We asked celebrity GP Dr Pixie McKenna and here’s what she had to say.
“De-stress, reduce your alcohol intake and check you aren't on
any prescription medications that may be having an impact, for example
water tablets," she explained.
“If you are a long distance cyclist cut back on the miles and
if you partake in recreational drugs stop, both of these activities can
reduce the ability to have an erection."
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