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Monday, September 5, 2016

Woman Mistakenly Sets Another Man's Car On Fire While Trying to Punish Her Ex Boyfriend (Photo+Video)

A woman who was only trying to punish her ex boyfriend, has ended up doing a totally different thing.
A girl got really furious with her ex boyfriend and moved to take revenge by burning his car.
However, while she was at it, she didn't realise she got the wrong vehicle. 
Identified as Carmen Chamblee, 19, the girl has been arrested for the act.
CCTV shows the woman dressed in shorts and a t-shirt shoving pieces of paper into the boot of a Honda and setting it on fire . 
However, as the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, there was one major hurdle in her plot to achieve fiery retribution: It was the wrong car.
Chamblee allegedly stuck a rag in the car's gas tank and set it on fire. She may have also used a flammable liquid to bring further misdirected fury to the forsaken four-door.
Thankfully, a surveillance camera outside the man's home caught the Florida woman in the act, leading to her arrest Saturday morning by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, the Tampa Bay Times reports.
Watch the video below:

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