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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

5 things that happens when a man of God carries your child

It is common for people to want their children blessed by a holy man of God. In Nigeria, child dedication and thanks giving are tied to meeting what most parents will call a prerequisite for the child’s success in life. Not just any pastor is allowed this duty. People go to the pastor they most respect, the one they believe is a direct messenger of God. Some common things happen when a man of God touches your child and these things are mostly the same with every pastor-child blessing.

These are five major things likely to happen when your child id being blessed.

1. The child might just poop on the pastor
Baby doing the funny business face

This is just a biological process and no fault of the baby. The pastor might just be carrying the baby when it is just about to do the number 2. While the diaper of the baby is intact to protect the pastor, the oozing smell is still unavoidable.

2. It is believed that the baby becomes a blessed child
Pastor praying for baby

In child dedication ceremony, a pastor always prays specially for the child, this act is seen as activation of the child’s success in future. It is one of the most important reasons why parents make sure to dedicate their child(ren); to get the blessing of the man of god on them.

3. The child will cry
It’s normal for babies to cry. It also happens a lot when a baby is handed to the pastor. Out of no where, the baby just erupts with a loud squeaky scream.

4. People will call it the touch of God
Pastor blessing baby

A lot of church goers believe their pastors have a direct link to God. After the pastor blesses their child, they instantly believe it is a touch from the most high. This is stemmed from the kind of high regard men of God are placed.

5. 15 minutes of fame, especially if its a pope that carries your child
Pope blessing baby

The pope is revered and respected. When your baby is blessed by the pope, its all you can talk about.

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